Configure the basic settings of your survey.
1. Title: Give a title to your survey.
2. Questions library (Pro): See questions from your other surveys. You can choose and insert them to the current survey.
3. Survey templates (Pro): Choose a template from the ones we preprepared for you (Customer Feedback, Employee Satisfaction, Event Evaluation, Product Research). These templates include some questions in them. Please note, that if you choose one of these templates, your own questions will be deleted. You can add other questions after installing the template.
4. Import questions (Pro): You can import question with .xlsx format to your survey. Question types should be written properly: radio, checkbox, select, linear_scale, star, text, short_text, number, date, matrix_scale, yes or no, range, email, name. Note, that you cannot import matrix scale and range questions.
5. Form title: Set a title to each of the sections in your survey.
6. Form description: Briefly explain what your section is going to be about.
7. Collapse section: Collapse the current section.
8. Collapse section questions: Collapse all the questions in the current section.
9. Expand section: Expand the collapsed section.
10. Duplicate section: Duplicate the current section.
11. Question: Write down a question and attach an image to it if you wish. Upload one or choose from the Media Library. Duplicate the question, delete it, or make it required if necessary.
12. Open editor: Open editor for more advanced editing. Here you can do advanced formatting for your question texts (bold, italic, etc.). After applying the changes, you can double click to the question textarea to continue editing or click “Open editor” again. Here you don’t need any technical skills.
13. Move to section: Move this question to a specific section. You can also move questions via drag and drop.
14. Logic jump (Pro): Also known as Conditional Logic or Logic Branching. When enabled, survey takers will go to sections based on their previous answer.
Read this article to learn how to create survey with skip logic.
15. User explanation (Pro): Let your users write explanation about their answer(s) to the question.
16. Admin note (Pro): Leave note(s) for your users. This text will be displayed under the question answers.
17 Question ID: Here you can see this question’s ID.
18 Collapse: Collapse the current question.
19 Expand question: Expand the collapsed question.
20. Add a question: Click on the plus (+) button on the right to add a new question. If you have more than one section, the system will ask you which section you want to add the question to.
21. Add a section: Add a new section to your survey.
After setting up your survey, don’t forget to save the changes. The Save as Default (Pro) option saves the assigned settings of the current survey as default. After clicking on this button, with every new survey, the system will take the settings and the styles of the current survey. If you want to change and renew it, click on this button on another survey.
22. Enable points for answers (Calculation): Add points to the answer options, calculate them and show survey takers personalized messages based on points.