
Activate auto-responders that will keep you and the users in the know about the results.

1. Send email to user (Pro): Activate the option of sending emails to your users after taking the survey.

  • Custom/SendGrid: Choose whether you want to type a custom message or send it using your SendGrid account.
  • Email message: Write the message to send it out to your survey takers via email. You can use Message Variables as well.
  • Send email for testing: Provide an email and click on the Send button to see what the message looks like. Note that you need to write a message on the Email message field beforehand.

2. Send email to admin (Pro)Activate this option so that the survey data can be sent to the super admin of your WordPress site.

  • Admin: Send the survey results to the super admin.
  • Additional emails: Provide additional email addresses that will receive the survey results. List the emails by separating them with commas.
  • Email message: Provide a text message to be sent to the super admin and/or the provided additional emails. Message Variables will be of help.
  • Send submission report: Send detailed submissions of the completed survey to the admin and/or the provided additional emails.

3. Email configuration (Pro)Set up the attributes of the sending email.

  • From email: Specify the email address from which the results will be sent. If you leave the field blank, the sending email address will take the default value — survey_honey@{your_site_url}.
  • From name: Specify the name that will be displayed as the sender of the results. If you don’t enter any name, it will be Survey Honey.
  • Subject: Fill in the subject field of the message. If you don’t, it will take the survey title.
  • Reply to email: Specify to which email the survey taker can reply. If you leave the field blank, the email address won’t be specified.
  • Reply to name: Specify the name of the email address to which the survey taker can reply. If you leave the field blank, the name won’t be specified.

4. Send summary (Pro)Send a detailed summary of the survey to the selected people.

  • To admin:Send a detailed summary of the survey to the registered email of the super admin of your WordPress website.
  • To users:Send a detailed summary of the survey to the survey participants.
  • To additional emails:You will be able to send a detailed summary of the survey to additional email addresses. List the emails by separating them with commas.

5. Use SMTP (Pro): For using this option you need to fill in the whole fields intended for it.

  • SMTP Username
  • SMTP Password
  • Host
  • SMTP Secure
  • Port
Black Stripes
Black Stripes

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