business survey app for shopify

Scale Up Your Website with
Survey Honey

Make your dream website using our cost-effective premium app

Here’s What Survey Honey Can
Do for You!

Survey Honey app allows you to create amazing online surveys and get real-time feedback quickly and easily.

Please rate your satisfaction with...

Please rate your satisfaction with...

Highly Satisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
The taste of your food
The temperature of your food
The speed of service
The friendliness of the crew
The accuracy of your order
The cleanliness

Please rate your overall satisfaction.

Please rate your overall satisfaction.

Please rank the following aspects of your dining experience in order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

Please rank the following aspects of your dining experience in order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.

Quality of Food
Service Speed
Friendliness of Staff
Value for Money

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Not likely at all
Extremely likely

How friendly were the employees?

How friendly were the employees?

How likely is it that you would recommend our restaurant to a friend?

How likely is it that you would recommend our restaurant to a friend?

In a typical month how often do you visit our restaurant?

In a typical month how often do you visit our restaurant?

What have you tried from our menu?

What have you tried from our menu?

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement



Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Shopify Survey App offers 20+ question types. Make use of Matrix, Star Rating, Linear Scale and other available question types to learn more about your website visitors.

Features used in this survey:

  • Multi-page survey (with more than one sections)
  • Matrix Scale question type
  • Star Rating question type
  • Linear Scale question type
  • Enable previous button
  • Answers with images
  • Survey logo

Market Research Survey with Logic Jump

This demo is a demonstration of a Skip Logic function. The Skip Logic (Logic Jump) is functionality to help you escape from unnecessary questions. Send respondents to the next question of the survey based on their previous response.

Features used in this survey:

  • Logic Jump functionality
  • Date question type
  • Number question type
  • Make the question required
  • Show section header info → Enabled
Survey With Skip Logic
Skip logic is a feature that changes what question or page a respondent sees next based on how they answer the current question

Firstly, what type of transport do you use most?*

Firstly, what type of transport do you use most?*

You see this question, because you answered "Car" at the previous one.

Fine, then please specify the type of your car.*

Fine, then please specify the type of your car.*

You see this question, because you answered "Bicycle" at the previous one.

Great! And why do you prefer bicycle?*

Great! And why do you prefer bicycle?*

You see this question, because you answered "It's good for health" at the previous one.

Amazing! And what other activities do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Amazing! And what other activities do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Now, please, write your age, weight and height.

Now, please, write your age, weight and height.

One last question! Do you consider yourself overweighted?

One last question! Do you consider yourself overweighted?

You see this question, because you answered "It doesn't require any expenses" at the previous one.

Well, but what if you need to go to another city, and it takes you lots of time with a bicycle?

Well, but what if you need to go to another city, and it takes you lots of time with a bicycle?

Okay, and how much time does riding a bicycle take from you daily?

Okay, and how much time does riding a bicycle take from you daily?

Do you wear a helmet while riding a bicycle?

Do you wear a helmet while riding a bicycle?

How would you rate the level of bike paths in your city?

How would you rate the level of bike paths in your city?

You see this question, because you answered "Sedan" at the previous one.

Thanks! Now please, tell us why do you prefer Sedan.*

Thanks! Now please, tell us why do you prefer Sedan.*

You see this question, because you answered "Hatchback" at the previous one.

Thanks! Now please, tell us why do you prefer Hatchback.*

Thanks! Now please, tell us why do you prefer Hatchback.*

And finally, please, rate the design of your car

And finally, please, rate the design of your car

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?

Not likely at all
Extremely likely

What is the primary reason for your score?

What is the primary reason for your score?

What is your gender?

What is your gender?

What is your age?

What is your age?

In what country do your currently reside?

In what country do your currently reside?

Which industry do you work in?

Which industry do you work in?

Net Promoter Score® (NPS) Demo

Creating an online Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey holds significant value for businesses, serving multiple purposes including gauging customer loyalty and garnering swift, accessible feedback.

Through the NPS survey, individuals are segmented into promoters, passives, and detractors, empowering you to discern your steadfast advocates and those who may be inclined to depart.

Features used in this survey:

  • NPS question type
  • Previous button
  • Live progress bar
  • Elegant theme

Unlock Premium Shopify Survey
Features in One Place

Get the most suited plan for serving your business related purposes effortlessly.
Hi dear Customer! 👋 Thanks for purchasing! We'd love to know a bit more about your experience with us. Could you help us out?
Firstly, tell me about yourself. I am Mike, what's your name?
Nice to meet you! Which of our products have you purchased most recently?💡
Good choice👌! What was the main factor for you when deciding to purchase?
How would you rate the overall quality of the app?
Which company would you say is our biggest competitor in Shopify? 🙃

Chatbox Survey

Engage better with conversational forms! This chatbox has significant advantages over traditional surveys. Capture fast feedback and provide a better experience! Here is a quick overview how it looks like.

Features used in this survey:

  • Chat mode
  • Survey Color
  • Thank you message
  • Yes/no question type
  • Short text question type
  • Radio question type

Personalized Meal Plan Questionnaire with Conditional Results

Establish criteria for your survey participants and deliver tailored messages, showcase diverse result messages, and direct them to specific URLs based on their responses

This is a great chance to increase the trust among your website visitors and add traffic to your website.

Features used in this survey:

  • Logic Jump functionality
  • Conditional Result
  • Send Email with attached PDF
  • Start Page → Enabled
  • Make the question required
Get your personalized weight loss plan!

Enter your email to get your personal meal plan

Enter your email to get your personal meal plan

Do you want to lose weight?*

Do you want to lose weight?*

Select your gender

Select your gender



Height (cm)

Height (cm)

Current Weight (kg)

Current Weight (kg)

Desired Weight (kg)

Desired Weight (kg)

What is your body type?*

What is your body type?*

Product Evaluation Survey

Create your survey’s start page by giving it a title, a description, and the style you choose. Create Product Evaluation Survey, get valuable customer feedback and improve your product.

Features used in this survey:

  • Start page → Enabled
  • Background color → Pink
  • Minimal theme
  • Short Text question type
  • Send email to admin
  • MailChimp Integration
  • Show summary after submission
Let's make this amazing!

Help us make our product better!

Overall, how satisfied are you with Survey Honey?

Overall, how satisfied are you with Survey Honey?

What aspects of the app would you like to change/improve?

What aspects of the app would you like to change/improve?

How often do you typically use Survey Honey App?

How often do you typically use Survey Honey App?

Do you wait for Survey Honey to go on sale to purchase it?

Do you wait for Survey Honey to go on sale to purchase it?

How satisfied are you with the support of Survey Honey?

How satisfied are you with the support of Survey Honey?

Which of the following features make you use Survey Honey?

Which of the following features make you use Survey Honey?

What other Shopify survey-making app have you heard of or used before?

What other Shopify survey-making app have you heard of or used before?

Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter?

Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter?

Please, enter your email address here.

Please, enter your email address here.

Create Questionnaires with Powerful Features

Health Questionnaire Template
Unlimited Surveys And Submissions
Anonymous Survey (GDPR Compliant)
Logic Jump
Conditional Results
20+ Question Types
Paid Survey / Payment Processor
Target the right audience
URL Parameters
shopify survey plugin
shopify survey app

Start Your Business Journey
with Shopify Survey Honey